Application and Service Layer (Application Services, Interface Services)
Site monitoring, merchant operation, fee management, operation and maintenance management, platform interconnection interface
Data Support Layer (Data Services)
Basic data management, charging data analysis, and user vehicle data statistics
Data transmission layer (energy controller, TCU, DTU, etc.)
TCP/IP platform private communication protocol+DLT698
Perception device layer (charging station, ground lock, electricity meter, camera, etc.)
The equipment composition includes many other devices in addition to traditional charging devices
The actual demand for urban level charging operation can be intuitively detected through the large screen display of various data and operational indicators of the charging operation platform, enabling management personnel to intuitively obtain key parameters.
Large screen display
The large screen display content includes: number of charging stations, status of charging stations, order analysis and statistics, and ranking of operating cities
Site Map
By querying the sites on the map, real-time information on the number and location of charging stations can be obtained intuitively for each charging station
Data presentation
All data is presented using intuitive charts, pie charts, and bar charts